The International Olympiad of Science, a test of competence and proficiency in Science, is held annually at the National and International levels, based on syllabus prescribed by CBSE/ICSE and the State Boards. Apart from syllabus, a part of test paper is based on the Applied Science.
Living and Non Living Things Around us, Plants and its Parts, Animals, Types of Animals, Food of Animals, Home of Animals, Food we Eat, Clothes we Wear, Air and Water, Our Solar System, My Family and Relatives, Our body, General and Applied Science.
Characteristic Features of Living and Non Living Things, Characteristic Features of Plants and Animals, Our Body, Our Environment, Air, Water and Weather, Our Universe, Food we Eat (Classification and Properties), Clothes we Wear ( Source and Properties), General and Applied Science.
Characteristic Features of Living and Non Living Things, The Plant Kingdom, The Animal Kingdom, Human Body, Our Environment, Natural Resources, The Universe, Our Safety and First Aid, Motion Transport and Travel, General and Applied Science.
The World of Microorganisms, The Plant Kingdom, The Animal Kingdom, Human Body, Nutrition, Soil, Rock and Minerals, Light and Sound, Gravitation, Measurement, Force and Motion, Work, Power and Energy, Matter, Our Environment, Our Universe, General and Applied Science.
The World of Microorganisms, The Plant Kingdom, The Animal Kingdom, Human Body, Matter, Work, Force and Energy, Rocks and Soil, Our Environment, Our Universe General and Applied Science.
Food, Fibre to Fabric, Measurement of Time Distance and Speed, Organisms and their Habitats, Light, Shadow and Reflection, Methods of Separating Substances, Our Environment, Work, Force and Energy, General and Applied Science.
Food, Fibre to Fabric, Measurement of Time Distance and Speed, Organisms and their Habitats, Light, Shadow and Reflection, Methods of Separating Substances, Our Environment, Work, Force and Energy, General and Applied Science.
Nutrition in Plants and Animals, Animal Fibers, Heat and Light, Acid, Base & Salt, Chemical Reactions, Adaptation of Organisms, Respiration, Transportation and Reproduction in Plants & Animals, Motion and Time, Electricity, Winds, Storms and Cyclones, Natural Resources( Soil, Water and Forest), General and Applied Science
Matter in our Surrounding, Is matter around us pure, Atoms and Molecules, Structure of atom, Classification of organism, Diversity in Living World, Why do we fall ill, Natural resources, Improvement of food resources, Motion, Force, Work and Energy, Heat, Sound, Gravitation, General and applied science.
Light, Human Eyes, Electricity, Magnetic effect of electric current, Sources of Energy, Chemical Reactions, Acid Base and Salt, Metals and Non-metals, Carbon and its Compound, Periodic Classifications, Life Process, Control and coordination, Reproduction, Heredity and Evolution, Our Environment, General and applied science.